OC GOP Meeting
January 28, 2025
6:30- 8:00
Centerfield Station #2
See details HERE
For fast and up-to-date information, visit the Facebook icon at the top of this page. The Chair's monthly newsletter can also be found there.
Standing Committees
OCGOP standing committees focus on major areas of interest of the membership and are part of the regular meeting agenda. Regular Committees are always looking for members and report when appropriate.
The OCGOP Legislative Committee exists to evaluate the content of, monitor the progress of, and recommend changes to proposed legislation with a primary goal of OCGOP members expanding their knowledge of, and ability to impact the legislative process at the local, state & federal level.
A summary of their 2024 work can be found at: https://KYLibertyCaucus.com , and more details at: https://ky22.hereisliberty.com/2024-detail

January 28, 2025
6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET
Oldham County GOP Meeting
Ballardsville Fire Department - Station 2 Centerfield,
2414 W State Hwy 22,
Crestwood, KY 40014
Agenda will be mailed to Officers and Guest.
Sign up at secretary.ocgop@gmail.com
The OC GOP is operated by a County Committee.
Executives and Precinct officers (Precinct Captain, Co-Captain and Youth Chair) of the Oldham County Republican Committee are all voting members of the "County Committee".