The Candidates
Our Republican Party
Want to donate directly to candidates by check? Here's the Check Addressee and address.
Governor: Daniel Cameron Attorney General: Russel Coleman
Cameron for Kentucky Russell Coleman for Attorney General
838 Eash Hight Street #278 PO Box 221437
Lexington, KY 40502 Louisville, KY 40252
Secretary of State: Michael Adams Agriculture: Jonathan Shell
Citizens for Adams Johnathan Shell for Agriculture Commissioner
PO Box 221533 PO Box 22667
Lyndon, KY 40252 Louisville, KY 40252
Treasurer: Mark Metcalf Auditor: Allison Ball
Mark Metcalf for State Treasurer Allison Ball for Auditor
208 Maple Ave. PO Box 1451
Lancaster, KY 40444 Campbellsville, KY 42719